Wednesday, March 29, 2006

tales of spring

My heart forever weaves tales of your spring,

Endlessly tells the tulip fields' tidings;

It's drunk on your eyes, their dregs, their dreams,

The better to serve your lips' ruby streams.

#694: From Rumi's Kolliyaat-e Shams-e Tabrizi

There is a good deal of springtime feeling around the world these days. Here, in Australia, it is autumn (or "fall" to yanks). The cold fingers of winter are starting to grope through the chinks in our clothes and our houses. The single layered clothes we've been wearing mainly for decency's sake are no longer adequate. We reach now for a scarf, a shawl, a light blanket on our knees while watching TV at night. Autumn and winter have a constrictive feeling, a curling in on oneself feeling. Expansive and joyful tales of spring are therefore hard to relate to.

Abdul Rahman, the Afghan Christian convert, has gone into hiding. For me, he has become a symbol for what is most incompatible between the West and Islam. While he is in hiding, he might as well be dead. (There is speculation that he has indeed been killed.) Until I hear news of his genuine release from the threat of a death penalty, whether through a legal process or through a lawless reprisal, I cannot feel joyful or springlike at all. Certainly not whenever my thoughts turn to Islam.

Thankfully, my thoughts will wander in other arenas today. The sun will often shine despite the occasional cloud cover. There will be intermittent peace at least. Perhaps I should be thankful for that much, thankful to be alive. Still, a corner of my heart will remain in wintry silence, praying for better times ahead.


At Wednesday, 29 March, 2006, Blogger Bob Hoeppner said...

I'm sorry for Abdul, but I've waited too long for spring to let him get in my way of feeling springlike!

At Thursday, 30 March, 2006, Blogger Bob Hoeppner said...

Hey, I think I saw something about him being in Italy.

At Thursday, 30 March, 2006, Blogger Arizona said...

Do, please, enjoy your long awaited spring! We even had quite a bit of sunshine here for an autumn day (as well as some drizzle).

I know that Italy is offering Abdul asylum but I have heard no news of his whereabouts beyond his having gone into hiding. Some grapevine news assures us he is in good health. Still, this matter remains unresolved.

At Thursday, 30 March, 2006, Blogger Arizona said...

I've now seen the news stories of his flight to Italy. Still, it will be nice to see a photo or video footage. I also hope he gets assistance in his custody battle although that would seem to be a lost cause.


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