two passions unite
Two of my passions - tennis and Israel - have come together in this news item from Australian Jewish News: Israeli tennis stars to create history. I'm delighted to read that the fairness of the tennis world is invading a couple of the more modern Muslim states in the Persian Gulf: UAE (United Arab Emirates) hosting tournaments in Dubai and Qatar hosting a tournament in Doha.
The player and tournament details are as follows:
WTA - commencing 18feb08 - Doha, Qatar - Shahar Peer
WTA - commencing 25feb08 - Dubai, UAE - Tzipora (Tzipi) Obziler
ATP - commencing 3mar08 - Dubai, UAE - men's double Jonathan (Yoni) Erlich and Andy Ram *
* recent winners at the Australian Open
** Dudi Sela is also a promising ATP player. Will he also try for Dubai?
My best wishes to all of these brave and talented players.
Celebration time: Jonathan Erlich leaps into the arms of Andy Ram
after their straight sets win. © Getty Images
after their straight sets win. © Getty Images
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