Rumi into French
Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch (1909-1999) was the Annemarie Schimmel of the French-speaking world with the difference that she converted to Islam from her native Christianity. She was also a parallel to Reynold A. Nicholson in having translated the full Mathnawi, in her case from the Persian into French. Though it's not evident from the bookcover, she co-wrote the book below on Jesus in the Sufi tradition.
Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch @ Islam y Al-Andalus
Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch was a person absorbed by the inner quest for reality, and what is noteworthy in her itinerary is that her personal life and commitment were strongly linked with her intellectual investigations. They were directly inscribed into their logic. Of course, Rûmî became her spiritual mentor, just as if he took her hand and led her to the Muslim path. So she converted to Islam and until her death she used to fervently practice all the Islamic pillars and also Sufism.
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