coming and going
I've lost, then found, my thoughts a hundred times,
Drinking till when? from my admirers' cup.
At work, or idle, I get nothing done.
We'll see where all this finally ends up.
#752: From Rumi's Kolliyaat-e Shams-e Tabrizi
I simply can't make contact with this verse today. I hope that I've only lost contact temporarily and will find it again soon. Whether I work at writing a commentary or remain idle, I'll still achieve nothing. So I may just as well wait and see. The end, I know, is not far away. (83 quatrains remain in the list and pressure is likely to mount as the end draws near.)
As I've mentioned under yesterday's comments, the 10 oxherding pictures don't always end in the void. An important version has the void at #8 and ends in the marketplace at #10:
Oxherding picture #10 @
I've been enjoying your blog very much. I hope you have no objection, I've linked it.
No objection at all. I'm honoured to be linked at such a worthy collection. It's only a pity that your blog is closed when you might have continued to add stuff as it came along. Still, I do understand the point of making it a once-off effort rather than ongoing.
arizona: It's only a pity that your blog is closed when you might have continued to add stuff as it came along.
I'm not sure if I have much more to say in that regard, not at this point anyway. Overall, my concern was that individuals undergoing transformative spiritual crises were being diagnosed, labelled, and medicated as "schizophrenics" and "psychotics". That blog exists to present an alternative view and may be beneficial from that perspective. However, it also describes a process that might be understood by those who are capable of reading it.
Anyway, love the Rumi. I hope you'll continue to add to your own blog.
Well, I'm certainly committed to completing this set of quatrains and there are almost 3 more months worth of them. After that, I don't know.
Do stay in touch and keep me encouraged!
PS, I'll add a link back to your blog if that's OK.
I'll add a link back to your blog if that's OK.
I'm perfectly okay with that. Meantime, for now, I'm enjoying the Rumi. Where you go after that? I find I tend to figure that out when I get there.
Thanks, SE, I'll take your advice and cross my bridge when I get to it. :)
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