a love spread
All I've wanted from you is to want you,
To spread your love on the table of love, just so.
Last night I dreamt but now the memory's gone.
I woke up drunk: this alone I know.
#1194: From Rumi's Kolliyaat-e Shams-e Tabrizi
Sidney Nolan: Ned Kelly 1946 @ nga.gov.au
Sidney Nolan’s 1946–47 Ned Kelly series is one of the greatest sequences of Australian paintings of the 20th century: Nolan’s starkly simplified depiction of Kelly in his armour has become an iconic Australian image.
I'm currently fascinated by themes around masks (as in the film V for Vendetta) and especially the mask that leaves only an eye slit, as in the Ned Kelly mask above and the Muslim burqa mask below.
Burqa @ enhg.org
I don't know where these masks will lead. I just know they are there.
To me it seems that burqas are a kind of perversion.
They do give me a creepy feeling. It's hard to put my finger on why that is, precisely.
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